CFP: Teaching the Transatlantic (9/15/05; ASECS, 3/30/06-4/2/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Frangos, Jennifer
contact email: 

Call for Papers:
ASECS 2006 (30 March - 2 April, 2006), Montreal

"Teaching the Transatlantic: A Roundtable Discussion"
        In order to explore the shared intellectual, cultural, and
literary histories of Europe and the New World, this proposed session
will consist of a roundtable discussion considering issues and topics of
teaching the Transatlantic eighteenth century. One of our central aims
will be to think about how this reorientation of traditionally
segregated historical, literary, and geographical fields changes
students' understanding and study of both Early America and the long
eighteenth century in Europe.
        We anticipate 4-6 participants, each of whom will be asked to
present (in 5-7 minutes) course descriptions and syllabi (for full
courses or small units), and to discuss their approaches to course
design, text selection, balance of geographical and disciplinary
materials, and pedagogy. We expect that half of the allotted time will
be dedicated to questions and discussion among the participants and
        This session is broadly conceived, so as to include
team-teaching or single instructor classes; undergraduate or graduate
curricula; and interdisciplinary approaches, as well as attention to
European (not necessarily English), Caribbean, Latin American, and
African materials.

        Please send proposals to Jennifer Frangos and/or Cristobal
Silva, Dept. of English, Texas Tech U., E-mail:
or by 15 September 2005.

Dr. Jennifer Frangos
Assistant Professor of English
Texas Tech University
Lubbock TX 79409-3091
806-742-2500, ext. 239

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Sep 10 2005 - 12:38:41 EDT
