CFP: Word and Image in the 18th C. (9/15/05; ASECS, 3/30/06-4/2/06)

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WORD AND IMAGE (ASECS, March 30-April 2, 2006)

This panel seeks to investigate the interaction between verbal and visual
languages in the art and literature of eighteenth-century Europe. Approaches
may draw upon such diverse fields as art history and image theory, cultural
studies, literary theory, visual semiotics, book history and print culture.
Some possible topics include: portraits in the text, engraving, illustrated
narratives and cartography, verbal description, and film adaptations of
eighteenth-century works. The objective is to engage in a stimulating dialogue
on the mutual collaboration of these two very rich forms of expression.

The deadline for proposals (250 words) is September 15 2005. Please send
abstracts and inquiries to:

Renata Schellenberg
Dept. of Modern Languages,
Mount Allison University
49A York Street,
Sackville, NB,
E4L 1C6


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Received on Sat Sep 10 2005 - 12:39:11 EDT