CFP: Victorian Traffic (Australia) (10/15/05; 2/6/06-2/9/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Sue Thomas
contact email: 

CFP: Victorian Traffic (10/15/05; 2/6/2006-2/9/2006)
2006 Conference of the Australasian Victorian Studies Association
6-9 February 2006
Venue: Hotel Y Conference Centre, Melbourne, Australia
Hosted by La Trobe University
Offers of papers of 20 minutes duration are invited on the conference theme,
³Victorian Traffic². Proposals from a range of disciplines are welcome and
might address
· the history, theory or representation of trade, commerce,
marketplaces and transport
· traffic in ideas, aesthetics, styles and artifacts
· cross-cultural exchange and exchanges
· the transport and movement of peoples around the globe
· the experience of and debates over slavery, indenture and
· artistic, design, literary and theatrical marketplaces and marketing
· intertextuality in and with the Victorian period
Please send 250-word abstracts to Sue Thomas ( by 15
October, 2005.
A conference website will be posted in September at:
Address for correspondence: Professor Sue Thomas, English Program, La Trobe
University, Melbourne, Australia, 3086. Fax: +61 (0)3 9479 3637

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Sep 12 2005 - 11:12:26 EDT