CFP: Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, 1750-1850 (10/15/05; 3/2/06-3/4/06)
Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, 1750-1850
(formally Consortium on Revolutionary Europe, 1750-1850)
The 2006 meeting of the Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, 1750-1850 will be taking place in Atlanta, GA, March 2-4, 2006. We are soliciting panel proposals treating any aspect of history, literature, or art or music history on the period from 1750 to 1850. As this is our inaugural meeting with our new name, which is meant to encourage broad geographical coverage, we are especially hopeful that scholars working on the Atlantic World and other regions will consider attending the Consortium. The Consortium also publishes Selected Papers for each annual meeting. Hosted by Georgia State University, most of the conference events will be taking place at the Downtown Atlanta Hilton, with easy access from the airport by MARTA train and within walking distance of many Atlanta attractions.
Keynote speakers will include Laurent Dubois of Michigan State University, Michael Broers of Oxford University, and Linda Colley of Princeton University.
The program committee prefers proposals for complete sessions (three papers, plus a chair and a commentator). However, we will accept proposals for incomplete sessions, and even individual paper proposals. Session proposals should include name of presenter, title of paper, and brief abstract (no more than one page single-spaced) for each paper; and brief CVs (no more than 2 pages) for each participant. The deadline for proposals is October 15, 2005. All requests for audio/visual equipment are due with paper/session proposals. We cannot guarantee to satisfy equipment requests received after that date.
Submit proposals to:
Denise Z. Davidson
Consortium on the Revolutionary Era
History Department
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA 30303
Email: Fax: 404-651-1745
Email submissions are acceptable; please attach documents in word format.
The Consortium's website contains details on the speakers, the hotel, and local attractions. The address is:
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Sep 18 2005 - 12:30:37 EDT