CFP: European Women Writers 1700-1900 (UK) (11/1/05; 3/11/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Gillian Dow
contact email: 

Translators, Interpreters, Mediators: Women Writers 1700-1900

Proposals are invited for papers for an interdisciplinary study day to be
held at Chawton House Library on the 11th of March 2006. Chawton House is
an Elizabethan Manor that once belonged to Jane Austen's brother, and
opened in July 2003 as a Centre for the Study of Early English Women's
Writing, 1600 - 1830. The event is jointly organised by Chawton House
Library, the University of Southampton English Department, and the project
"The International Reception of Women's Writing" (Research Institute for
History and Cultures of Utrecht University, The Netherlands).

Recent research has focused on the expanding literary market-place as the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries progressed, and in particular on
European exchanges in a period which saw the 'fixing' of national
identities. Scholars are beginning to investigate the part women played
within this context. In the course of this study day we shall concentrate
on the activities of women as translators, interpreters and mediators in
the period 1700-1900. We invite papers that address any issue suggested by
our conference title and which discuss texts produced in any European
language which were then 'imported' into another culture by women writers
(a focus on European literatures other than French and English will be
welcomed, although papers must be presented in one of these languages). We
would be particularly interested to see proposals that make use of the
resources in the "WomenWriters" database developed by the Utrecht project,
and of the approach suggested by the framework it provides.

Please send a 250 word abstract, in English or French, for papers of no more
than 20 minutes to Gillian Dow and Suzan van Dijk by the 1st of November 2005.

For further information about the project and database, please see:
And for the study day location see:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Sep 21 2005 - 11:42:54 EDT
