CFP: Folk Music (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Smith, Christopher

Call for Papers: Folk Music

2006 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association 26th =
Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico February 8-11, 2006=20


The SW/TEX PCA/ACA annual conference represents one of the nation's =
largest gatherings of interdisciplinary scholars, with a particular =
interest in critical examinations of non-traditional or =
cross-disciplinary topics.


The 2006 SW/TX PCA/ACA Conference will be held in Albuquerque, New =
Mexico at the Hyatt Regency downtown. Further details regarding the =
conference (listing of all areas, hotel, registration, tours, etc.) can =
be found at <> .=20


Now accepting proposals for "Folk Music" in the Music Area, a =
well-represented area with outstanding participants in years past. We =
welcome proposals on many aspects types of folk and traditional music =
and their role in American popular culture, including television, radio, =
literature, and the Internet. Prospective topics include:


* Hispanic and Native American folk and traditional musics of the =


* Folk and traditional musics of immigrant communities, particularly =
those which came from elsewhere and were established in the Southwest


* Folk and traditional musics of historically-underrepresented =
minorities: persons of color, LGBT, women, etc.


* Folk and traditional musics across the continent as a tool of =
enculturation or re-affiliation


* Appropriations, assimilations, borrowings, and "readings" of folk and =
traditional musics into mainstream culture


Particular interest/emphasis upon=20


* Changing performance or reception contexts for folk and traditional =


* Folk and traditional music depicted in literature, film, or television


Inquiries regarding this area and/or abstracts of 250 words may be sent =
to Chris Smith at the email address below. Proposals (electronic only, =
please) should include current curriculum vitae or r=E9sum=E9 (3-page =
maximum) and a 250-word abstract, including name, institutional =
affiliation if any, and working title.=20


Conference Website: (updated regularly)


Submission deadline is November 15 2005. The registration deadline is =
December 31, 2005. All participants must register by that date or will =
not be permitted to present or appear in the program.


Dr Christopher Smith

Vernacular Music Center

Department of Music History and Literature

School of Music MS 2033

Texas Tech University=20

Lubbock, TX 79409

806.742.2270 x249





Dr Christopher Smith, Music History and Literature=20
Director, Vernacular Music Center=20
Texas Tech University School of Music MS2033=20
Lubbock, TX 79409-42033=20
806/742-2270 x249;

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Received on Mon Sep 26 2005 - 17:36:05 EDT