CFP: Present Pasts in African Lit and Film (Ghana) (10/13/05; ALA, 5/17/06-5/21/06)

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CFP: Present Pasts in African Literature and Film

Deadline: 10/13/05

African Literature Association
32nd Annual Meeting and Conference
Accra, Ghana

May 17-21, 2006

Papers are sought for a panel on the topic "Present Pasts in African
Literature and Film" at the May 2006 African Literature Association
conference in Ghana.

The panel theme, "Present Pasts," addresses recent, 20th or 21st century
texts (literary, filmic, etc.) that examine more distant (pre-20th century)
pasts. While Chinua Achebe famously declared that his goal in depicting the
Ibo past was to restore the dignity so badly battered by the British
colonizers, subsequent writers, filmmakers, and artists have taken a more
complicated approach to depicting historical events from the nineteenth
century and earlier in their engagement with the problematics of
postcoloniality. In considering historical events through the lens of
postcolonial concerns, we invite papers that engage such questions as the
relationship between primary resistance and postcolonial nationalism;
overlapping diasporas; the historicization of globalization; (pan)African
modernities; etc. We particularly welcome papers that intersect with the
conference theme, "Pan-Africanism in the 21st Century."

Conference website:
Participants must be or become members of the ALA.

Please send 250 word abstracts and brief CV to Matthew Christensen
( and Jennifer Wenzel (, no later than
October 13, 2005.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Sep 26 2005 - 17:35:58 EDT