CFP: TRASH (12/1/05; book)
call for submissions
TRASH Alphabet City Magazine no. 11
Publication date: September 2006
Trashthe emptied out, used up, broken, outgrown, obsolete, lost, left behind, remaindered, abandonedmirrors humanity; we are defined by what we waste.
Archeologists, forensic scientists, visual artists and others treat trash as a bounty for understanding. Because trash tracks us, it reveals our workings at every level. Trash is inseparable from daily lifewe produce it hourlywhile at the same time it articulates the underlying structures of contemporary industrial society. In our era the volume and diversity of the world¹s trash has grown exponentially, driven by population growth, mass production, globalizing trade and transport, advances in materials science, and the raw purchasing power of consumers. This trash bubble has had its consequences for health and sustainability: trash marks the limits to our knowledge and capabilitiesit¹s that with which we cannot cope. Paradoxically, this tide of trash also sustains communities, from suburban dumpster divers to Indian ship breakers and dump-dwellers in Bangkok or Rio, who live by daily scouring heaped refuse. Such people are ejected from the city proper, tainted by our tra!
sh. TRASH will illuminate the tragic scope of these problems and dig for solutions.
TRASH, the 11th of Alphabet City¹s magazines on current topics, will be a pocket-book hardback copublished with The MIT Press. TRASH will explore this complex and contradictory phenomenon from a range of perspectives, including photography, visual art, philosophy, materials science, literature, urban design, product design, and economics, TRASH will appear September 2006. We advise early submission, as space is limited. Please submit your work by December 1, 2005.
John Knechtel
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Sep 26 2005 - 17:36:21 EDT