CFP: Advertising & Popular Culture (11/1/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/15/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Leslie Fife
contact email: 



2006 PCA/ACA Conference – April 12-15, 2006


Atlanta Marriott Marquis

265 Peachtree Center Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30303


SUBMISSIONS: Please send titles along with a thesis-type summary describing the essence of your proposed paper. Early entrants may get preference concerning presentation time, session choices, equipment choices, etc. You are welcome to invite your colleagues to submit papers for consideration and presentation at the convention. All participants, however, must be PCA members and convention registrants.


SEND SUBMISSIONS TO: Dr. Sammy R. Danna, Loyola University Chicago

820 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611

OFFICE: 312.915.6554 HOME: 312.853.2348 FAX: 312.915.8593





REQUIREMENTS: Acceptance of your paper obligates you to make an oral presentation at the conference. These are to be given by the paper's author ONLY. Time allotments are a total of 20 minutes (15 minutes each with 5 minutes for audience response). You are strongly encouraged to distribute a summary or, preferably, a full version of your paper to the audience after your presentation.


TOPICS: As always, topics on Advertising in Film & Literature, Sex in Advertising ("Sexy-type" Ads), Gender in Advertising, Popular Culture Advertising, and Advertising History are acceptable. Other appropriate advertising themes are also encouraged to be submitted.


PANELS: Anyone can create a panel of three or four participants. This may consist of a theme session of several members. In addition, a panel may be devised as a discussion vehicle with three to six participants, which is strongly encouraged.


NB: Take seriously your obligation to present accepted papers to which you are committed.


AUDIO/VISUAL: Beginning this year, all A/V presentations must be on either DVD or CD. An explanation appears on line concerning this.




Papers should be received no later than November 1, 2005 for this 2006 Atlanta, Georgia, convention.


Please, do encourage friends and colleagues to participate in the PCA Advertising Area.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Sep 30 2005 - 12:32:12 EDT