CFP: Gender (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

full name / name of organization: 
gypsey elaine teague
contact email: 

The deadline for abstracts for the Gender Panel at the SW/Texas Popular
Culture Conference in February is looming closer. If you haven't sent me
something then this is the time. Deadline is November 15, 2005. Any
topic of gender is welcomed.

Albq in February is a beautiful time with warmish days and crisp nights.
The hotel facility is downtown in the historic section and just a short
bus ride from old Albq and the stone and jewelry shops. For more
information please write me quickly. I look forward to seeing you in
Albq. Gypsey

Gypsey Teague
Branch Head
Gunnin Architecture Library
Clemson University

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Received on Fri Sep 30 2005 - 12:31:36 EDT