CFP: The Human Person and Nature in Medieval Literature (Taiwan) (10/31/05; Fu Jen, 4/21/06-4/22/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Brian Reynolds
contact email: 

Call for Papers

We invite you to contribute to the Seventh Annual Fu Jen Medieval
Conference, entitled 'The Human Person and Nature in Medieval Literature',
which will take place in April of 2006 (dates to be finalised). The
conference will seek to explore the Medieval understanding of nature,
situated in the relationship between matter and form, body and soul,
creation and God. We are especially interested in papers that cross
disciplinary boundaries. Some areas that papers might address are:

· Nature, fallen and redeemed

· Unity and diversity in nature

· Nature as text and sign

· Nature and gender

· Nature, image and likeness

· Representations of nature in an East/West perspective

· Nature and the garden

· Transient and transcendent beauty in nature

· Nature, solitude and introspection

· Nature, allegory and symbolism

Those interested in presenting a paper should note the following details:

1. Papers may be written and presented in Chinese, Italian
or English.

2. Speakers will be allotted twenty minutes to deliver
their paper, with a ten-minute discussion period at the end of each session.

3. Papers will be essentially new and will not have been
presented in public before.

4. Proposals-due by October 31st -should include the
following information:

· Name

· Institutional affiliation (if applicable)

· Mailing address (including zip code)

· Phone number

· Email address

· Title for the proposed presentation.

· Abstract of no more than 300 words

· A brief self-presentation

5. The conference organizers will notify prospective
speakers if their proposal has been accepted by November 30th, 2005.

6. Final versions of accepted papers must be provided by
February 20th, 2006.

7. Please address all conference correspondence to the
conference organiser, Brian Reynolds.

8. Proposals may be submitted by post, fax, or email to:

Department of Italian

Fu Jen Catholic University

510 Chung Cheng Road

Hsihchuang City, Taipei Hsien 24205

Taiwan (ROC)

Tel. +886+2+29053760 Fax:+886+2+29027137

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Sep 30 2005 - 12:32:00 EDT