CFP: William Gilmore Simms and 19th Century American Literature Conference (12/15/05; 4/27/06-4/29/06)

full name / name of organization: 
David Newton
contact email: 

Call for Papers

William Gilmore Simms Conference: Simms and the Geography of Americanism
A Bicentennial Celebration of the Author's Life and Writings, 1806-2006
April 27-29, 2006
Pennsylvania Historical Society
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Call for Papers / Invitation to Attend

We invite literary scholars, historians, and scholars from other disciplines
to submit paper proposals on topics related to Simms's life and achievements
as a writer. We especially invite papers that situate Simms in a broader
national as well as international context, interrogating the circles of
culture in which he lived and wrote. These may include:

Simms's place and participation in the development of a national literary
Simms's interrelationships with national and international writers, actors,
and intellectuals
Simms and the construction/performance of American culture
Simms's and the history of the book or histories of publishing
Simms and the Young America Movement

Send 1-2 page abstract / paper proposal by December 15, 2005 to
Dr. David W. Newton, WGSS Society
Department of English, University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA 30118
Phone: (678) 839-4877 / Email:

Reduced registration fees are also available for graduate students who
present papers and/or attend.

Another session on Simms and South Carolina will be held at the Caroliniana
Library at the University of South Carolina, April 6-8, 2006 as part of the
Bicentennial Celebration of Simms's life and writings. For additional
information on both conferences (including registration forms) visit

Sponsored by the William Gilmore Simms Society

David W. Newton, Ph.D.
Department of English
University of West Georgia
1601 Maple Street
Carrollton, GA 30118
Voice 678-839-4877 / FAX 678-839-4849

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Sep 30 2005 - 12:32:44 EDT
