CFP: Susan Choi and the Politics of Representation (10/7/05; AAAS, 3/22/06-3/26/06)
"S(e)oul to Soul: The novels of Susan Choi and the Politics of
Representation" (10/7/05; 3/22-26/06)
We are seeking a third presenter for a panel on the work of Susan
Choi, the author of The Foreign Student (1998) and of American Woman
(2003) for the AAAS Conference "Bodies, Communities, Regions" that
will be held in Atlanta March 22-26, 2006. Our presentations focus
on how the novels stage dominant narrative and generic conventions
that govern US literary narratives about race (for example, social
realist fiction by black and Asian authors and the Southern tradition
of Faulkner and O'Connor) and on the novels' representation of left
and radical politics in relation to the construction of Asian
American political subjectivities and communities.
Please submit at 250 word abstract of your project, and a 2 page CV
to Daniel Y. Kim at and to Theresa M. Tensuan at
ttensuan by October 7, 2005. All conference
participants must be members of AAAS; if you are not yet a member,
you must join the Association by March 22, 2006 in order to present
at the conference.
Conference organizers are focusing on the relationships between Asian
Americans and the regulation of bodies in racial and
juridical/medical contexts, the formation and expansion of Asian
American communities, particularly in nontraditional settings, and
the emerging presence of the South as the nexus for thinking about
regional and transnational alignments and alliances.
--Theresa M. TensuanDepartment of English302 Woodside CottageHaverford CollegeHaverford, PA 19041610.896.1268 ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Wed Oct 05 2005 - 12:21:31 EDT