CFP: The Expatriate Indian Writing in English (10/31/05; collection)
The Expatriate Indian Writing in English : A Call for Papers
We have just concluded a National Seminar on Expatriate Indian Writing in English (Sep 22-23) at the Department of English, Kakatiya University, A.P., India. Some of the key participants were Prof. Jasbir Jain (Jaipur), Prof. Manju Jaidka (Punjab), Dr. Somdatta Mandal (Santiniketan), Prof. Vijayasree (Osmania), Prof. Gopal Rao (Osmania), and Prof. Vinoda (Kakatiya).
We are now firming up plans for a book on the subject, putting together the papers already presented at the Seminar, along with the invited ones that fit in. The scope of the book is enlarged to include contributions on writers of Indian origin from the Far East, Africa, Caribbean, and Australia. .
The focus of the book, as in the Seminar, will be on defining (a) the way each of the new writers [of the last quarter century] has come to terms with the diasporic experience, and (b) how he/she relates to India. As with all labels, the "Expatriate Indian Writers" as a broad category subsumes the emigrant first generation as well as the subsequent generations, wherever they are. We welcome submissions on writers of Indian origin not only from USA, Canada and UK, but also from Australia, Far East, Caribbean, and Africa.
Please send abstracts of 500 words by email to Prof. (Mrs) Vinoda at by
October 31, 2005. The completed articles will be due by December 31, 2005 (only on hearing from her). Queries are welcome by email.
Seminar Director
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Oct 05 2005 - 12:21:00 EDT