CFP: The Politics of Poetry: Words and Movement (11/15/05; 2/17/06-2/18/06)
Call for Papers for the University of Dayton LitFest, February 17 and 18,
You are invited to submit paper or panel proposals for the University of
Dayton?s LitFest, to be held at the University of Dayton, February 17 and
18, 2006. LitFest is a graduate-student organized literature conference,
which this year celebrates its fifth anniversary.
The theme for this year?s event is ?The Politics of Poetry: Words and
We seek papers about the following:
· Poetry as a tool for social action or change
· Individual American poets, both historical and contemporary
· Schools of poets (the New York School, the Black Arts Movement,
· Emerging trends in American poetry
· Papers pertaining to the teaching of poetry
In addition to the academic papers, poetry submissions are welcomed; we
would like to have a mix of academic and creative presentations.
The submission requirements are as follows:
1) For academic papers, proposals of 500 words must be post-marked or
e-mailed by November 15, 2005 to Dennis McGlothin at the contact
information below.
2) For poetry submissions, send poetry portfolios to Dennis McGlothin
at the address below by November 15, 2005.
Submissions should include:
1) Phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and mailing address;
2) Your name and university affiliation as you would like it to
appear in the event program;
3) The title of your presentation, as you would like it to appear in
the program;
4) A-V needs, if any;
5) Special needs, if any.
Send proposals to:
Dennis McGlothin
Department of English
University of Dayton
300 College Park
Dayton, OH 45469
Phone: 937-229-3426
Fax: 937-229-3563
E-mail: mcglotda_at_notes.udayton.e
Albino Carrillo, MFA
Assistant Professor
Department of English
University of Dayton
300 College Park
Dayton, OH 45469
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Oct 05 2005 - 11:02:31 EDT