CFP: Re-mapping the American South (UK) (1/30/06; 10/8/06-10/10/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Sarah Robertson

Please find below a call for papers:
Call For Papers: Re-mapping the American South, 01/30/06; 10/08/06-10/10/=


A Two-Day Conference, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK, 8-1=
0 September, 2006.


Proposals for 20-minute presentations or panels of three to four presente=
rs are invited for a conference on Re-mapping the American South, to take=
 place at the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK, 8-10 Septem=
ber, 2006.


William Faulkner believed that he would not live long enough to "exhaust"=
 the possibilities of his Yoknapatawpha County, his "own little postage s=
tamp of native soil". Whilst that "little postage stamp" may never be ful=
ly exhausted, recent studies of the American South explore the limitation=
s of focusing too closely on the region as a unique space. Rather, the em=
ergences of transatlantic and postcolonial theories have instigated discu=
ssions of the South in relation to other regions and cultures. Over two d=
ays the conference will explore the question of the American South in a g=
lobal context, examining links with Europe as well as the cross-cultural =
references between the region and South America and Asia. The event will =
encompass historical, literary and cultural perspectives.

            Re-mapping the American South notably takes in Bristol, one o=
f the major British ports involved in the Slave Trade. The conference wil=
l include a walking tour of Bristol's slavery sites, in addition to an op=
ening reception and dinner in one of Bristol's harbour-side restaurants. =



Suggested topics for discussion include, but are not limited to:


*=09Caribbean influences=20
*=09The migration of musical forms between the south and the rest of the =
*=09The legacy of the Slave Trade=20
*=09Asian immigration into the American South
*=09Transatlantic dialogues =20
*=09Poverty across regions
*=09The Civil War in a global context
*=09Postcolonial studies of the South
*=09Border crossings between the region and South America
*=09The Civil Rights Movement
*=09Modernization and Agrarianism


Please send individual proposals or panel suggestions, together with any =
other enquiries, to Dr Sarah Robertson ( The d=
eadline for proposals is 30 January 2006.=20


Dr Sarah Robertson

University of the West of England

St Matthias Campus


BS16 2JP



Dr Sarah Robertson
School of English and Drama
University of the West of England
Oldbury Court Road
BS16 2JP

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Oct 11 2005 - 18:13:22 EDT
