UPDATE: Queer Chinese Cinema (10/30/05; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Chan Keng Wah Kenneth \(Asst Prof\)
contact email: 

UPDATE: Extension of abstract dateline to October 30, 2005

Call for Papers




This book project seeks to bring together essays written in English that =
examine the cultural politics of various queer Chinese cinemas. We are =
particularly interested in essays that examine the ways in which =
different queer Chinese cinematic works (feature films and shorts) =
negotiate and complicate the interactions between queer sexuality and =
Chinese-ness not only in terms of their specifically localized national =
contexts, but also within transnational networks of production, =
consumption, and popular/critical reception. We are also interested in =
looking at representations of sexualities existing within mainstream =
cinemas which demonstrate queer tendencies and deviate from dominant =
heteronormative cultural constructions. Essays which render a queer =
reading of heteronormative cinematic texts are also welcomed. We define =
"Chinese cinema" rather broadly to encompass not just Mainland Chinese =
works, but also the cinemas of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Chinese =
diaspora, including films featuring Chinese American and British Chinese =
queer identities and representations. The term "queer" refers to a more =
fluid conception of sexual identities that includes but is not =
restricted to lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender, and transsexual =
identities and politics.


Some of the possible themes or figures that these essays address may =
include the following:


=A7 Culturally inflected (meaning "Chinese") epistemologies of =
the closet

=A7 Fresh theories and histories of queerness emerging out of =
contemporary queer Chinese cinema

=A7 Queer theory meets Chinese cinema, or the queering of =
Chinese cinema

=A7 Transnational reception of critically acclaimed queer =
Chinese films

=A7 The politics of responding to national censorship laws

=A7 Works by lesser known filmmakers and the marking out of new =
cinematic directions

=A7 Recurring queer cinematic tropes within Chinese cinema=20

=A7 Queer reception of Chinese films

=A7 Conceptualizing and problematizing queerness as political =
metaphor in Chinese cinema


Please submit via email a 300-word abstract and a brief bio in a =
Microsoft Word file attachment by October 30, 2005, to:


Kenneth Chan or Jeffrey Tan

Assistant Professor Teaching =

Division of English Division =
of Chinese

Nanyang Techonological University Nanyang =
Technological University

Email: kwchan_at_ntu.edu.sg <mailto:kwchan_at_ntu.edu.sg> =
          Email: jtan_at_ntu.edu.sg

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Tue Oct 11 2005 - 17:57:05 EDT