CFP: Catastrophe and Representation (12/31/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Lois Wolfe
contact email: 

FACS Literary Journal

Florida Atlantic University Comparative Studies=20


Call for Papers


Catastrophe and Representation


Images of catastrophe increasingly assault us through the media. The =
world is reeling from the effects of war, natural disasters, famine, and =
disease. Violence - natural and unnatural - has become a standard motif =
in contemporary storytelling, cultural documentation and sociopolitical =
reportage. How, then, is such representation captured and =
characterized? What is being said and unsaid, and why? Is catastrophe a =
comparative experience?


The editors of the Florida Atlantic Comparative Studies literary journal =
invite submissions on any aspect of this topic for its Fall 2006 =
edition. Deadline is December 31, 2005. FACS is an interdisciplinary =
journal providing a forum for comparative study in the arts, humanities, =
language, culture and social sciences.=20


Possible topics include but are not limited to exploring representations =
of catastrophe as:

- natural and unnatural

- public and private

- iconic/symbolic

- identity (gender, race, class)

- performance

- literary critique

- media art

- rhetoric and communications

- discovery

- socio-political commentary=20

- synchronic / diachronic interpretation


Papers should be no more than 25 pages or approximately 7,000 words, and =
should follow the most recent MLA guidelines. A separate title page =
should include the author's name and address. The author's name should =
not appear on the manuscript pages to allow for blind review.=20


Send two hard copies and a CD of the manuscript to:

FACS Editor

Department of Languages and Linguistics

Florida Atlantic University

777 Glades Road

P.O. Box 3091

Boca Raton, FL 33341-0991

E-mail submissions should be sent to All electronic =
versions should be submitted in Microsoft Word.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Oct 17 2005 - 23:52:27 EDT