CFP: Gambling and Gaming Culture (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Russell Graves
contact email: 

Call for Papers=20

Panels are now forming for presentations on Gambling and Gaming Culture =
at the 27th Annual Conference of the Southwest/Texas Popular & American =
Culture Associations, to be held February 8-11, 2006, at the Hyatt =
Regency Hotel in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Presentations are welcome =
related to any aspect of gambling and gaming culture and associated =
topics, including but not limited to: the history of gambling and =
gaming; gambling and gaming literature; the geography of gambling and =
gaming; the sociological and psychological effects of gambling and =
gaming; gambling and gaming on Native American reservations; gambling =
and gaming regions; gender and age issues; online gambling and gaming; =
international gambling and gaming; game theory; gambling and gaming law; =
Las Vegas; gambling and gaming culture regions; gambling and gaming =
software; internet gambling and gaming; portrayals of gambling and =
gaming in popular media.
Conference presenters and atendees are encouraged from academic faculty =
and graduate students, public officials, and private practitioners and =
experts. Interested individuals should send a brief (150-200 word) =
abstract detailing your proposed presentation by November 15, 2005, by =
email attachment to: =20
Dr. Russell Graves
Cameron University
Department of History and Government
Lawton, OK 73505

Conference web site:

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Oct 17 2005 - 23:52:34 EDT