CFP: Global Media and Imaginations of the Homeland (11/7/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Stacy Takacs
contact email: 

Call for Papers: Media and Globalization Area
2006 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association Conference

To be held in Albuquerque, NM, February 8-11, 2006.
Further details (listing of all areas, hotel, registration, tours, etc.)
available at

Seeking papers addressing the representation and/or construction of
"imaginary homelands" in global film, television, or digital culture. How
have electronic media participated in the construction of such "homelands"
in the age of globalization? What functions do such images of the "homeland"
serve within the contemporary geopolitical context? Of particular interest
are cross-cultural interpretations of recent US constructions of the
"homeland" (as in the new designation "homeland security" and President
Bush's projection of a unified but terrorized American "homeland"). How is
such rhetoric about the US homeland received abroad or by migrant
communities internal to the nation? And so on.
Essays may focus on textual analysis, genre study, reception study, or
analysis of media industry discourse. Send proposals of 100-200 words via
email to Stacy Takacs ( ) by Nov. 7, 2005.
The Media and Globalization Area of the Southwest Texas PCA recognizes the
centrality of electronic communications technologies to the processes of
global interconnection that have been transforming our world of late and
seeks to understand the electronic media's specific modes of participation
in these processes. We are seeking papers addressing a wide array of media
practices and phenomena as they related to issues of globalization. Other
suggests include:

*Cross-Cultural Media Exchanges (Japanese Cartoons on US TV, for example, or
US sitcoms shown abroad, etc.)
*Cognitive mappings of the global order in TV, Film, or Computer Media
*Satellite television and the imagination of a global audience
*Global news coverage (US and non-US treatments of 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq,
Israel/Palestine, etc.)
*New Global Forms of Entertainment Programming/Delivery
*The impact of technological convergence on the global culture industries
*Post-Fordist practices in production, management, or distribution
(Co-productions in the film industry, for example)
*Changes in the composition of the audience/market for cultural content
*The formation of a global "creative class" (or other effects on labor)
*Historical treatments that complicate arguments about the ³newness² of

Stacy Takacs
Assistant Professor of American Studies
Oklahoma State University
700 North Greenwood Ave.
Tulsa Ok 74106-0700

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Received on Mon Oct 17 2005 - 23:52:59 EDT
