CFP: Stealing the Language: Eudora Welty and Women's Humor (1/1/06; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

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Call for Papers
Eudora Welty Society at the American Literature Association
May 25-28, 2006
San Francisco, CA
Hyatt Regency, Embarcadero Center

=93Stealing the Language: Eudora Welty and Women=92s Humor=94

Alicia Ostriker writes that women have always tried to steal the=20
language -- to =93seize speech=94 and so rework narratives inadequate to=20=

describing women=92s experience. (Ostriker, Stealing The Language: The=20=

Emergence of Women=92s Poetry in America, p 211) =93Stealing the =
can reiterate and/ or transform old speech in ways that provoke women=20
to liberated laughter.

This call invites papers that will examine women=92s laughter and =
humor -=96 its techniques, its strategies, and its readers=92 pleasures.=20=

Close reading of Welty=92s comic strategies =96 possibly including=20
condensation, repetition, surprising diction, unconventional word=20
choice and order =96 would be very welcome. Other approaches are also=20

Please send questions, drafts, or 500-word titled abstracts by January=20=

1, 2006 to (Harriet Pollack, Bucknell University).=20=

Queries invited. If you plan to submit a proposal, please send first=20
notice of your intent asap.=

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Received on Mon Oct 17 2005 - 23:52:35 EDT