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CFP: Shakespeare and Popular Culture (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 3:52am

CALL FOR PAPERS-- Shakespeare and Popular Culture Panels

Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710

WHEN: February 8-11, 2005

PROPOSAL DEADLINE: November 15, 2005


The Shakespeare in Popular Culture area of the 2005 Albuquerque
Conference of the SWPCA/ACA invites proposals for
papers on Shakespeare in Popular Culture.

The panel will explore the boundaries between the canonical Shakespearean texts
and their more recent popular culture adaptations.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

CFP: Shakespeare and Popular Culture (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 3:52am

CALL FOR PAPERS-- Shakespeare and Popular Culture Panels

Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710

WHEN: February 8-11, 2005

PROPOSAL DEADLINE: November 15, 2005


The Shakespeare in Popular Culture area of the 2005 Albuquerque
Conference of the SWPCA/ACA invites proposals for
papers on Shakespeare in Popular Culture.

The panel will explore the boundaries between the canonical Shakespearean texts
and their more recent popular culture adaptations.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

CFP: Science Fiction Foundation Essay Prize (grad) (5/31/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 3:52am
Michelle Reid

Submissions are invited for the annual SF Foundation Essay Prize.

Deadline for Submission: May 31 2006

Judges for 2006:

Gwyneth Jones (World Fantasy Award winner)
Uppinder Mehan (Emerson College, Boston)
Lisa Yaszek (Georgia Institute of Technology)

CFP: Science Fiction Foundation Essay Prize (grad) (5/31/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 3:52am
Michelle Reid

Submissions are invited for the annual SF Foundation Essay Prize.

Deadline for Submission: May 31 2006

Judges for 2006:

Gwyneth Jones (World Fantasy Award winner)
Uppinder Mehan (Emerson College, Boston)
Lisa Yaszek (Georgia Institute of Technology)

CFP: Science Fiction Foundation Essay Prize (grad) (5/31/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 3:52am
Michelle Reid

Submissions are invited for the annual SF Foundation Essay Prize.

Deadline for Submission: May 31 2006

Judges for 2006:

Gwyneth Jones (World Fantasy Award winner)
Uppinder Mehan (Emerson College, Boston)
Lisa Yaszek (Georgia Institute of Technology)

CFP: Science Fiction Foundation Essay Prize (grad) (5/31/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 3:52am
Michelle Reid

Submissions are invited for the annual SF Foundation Essay Prize.

Deadline for Submission: May 31 2006

Judges for 2006:

Gwyneth Jones (World Fantasy Award winner)
Uppinder Mehan (Emerson College, Boston)
Lisa Yaszek (Georgia Institute of Technology)

UPDATE: Permeability and Selfhood (grad) (10/21/05; 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 3:52am
Tara MacDonald

Permeability and Selfhood

McGill University, Montreal

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature

March 11-12, 2006

*Please note that this is a graduate conference.

The English Graduate Students Association at McGill University is soliciting
panels for its upcoming Conference on Language and Literature. The
conference will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on March 11-12, 2006. We
are pleased to announce that Dr. Terry Castle, Walter A. Haas Professor in
the Humanities at Stanford University, will be the plenary speaker.

Call for Panels

CFP: European Silent Cinema (1/15/06; collection)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 3:52am
Young, Gwenda

CFP: European Silent Cinema (01/15/2006; proposed edited collection)

Submissions are invited for a collection of essays relating to
European Silent Cinema.

The scope of this collection is intended to provide an overview of European
film in the silent era, providing an introduction for students and scholars
and opening up areas for future research. Topics of investigation might
include, but are not limited to: pioneers of national cinemas, questions of
gender and representation, stars, ethnicity, class, audience reception,
entertainment history, visions of modernity and tradition in silent cinema,
exhibition practices (including music), genre, the presence of foreign
producers etc.

UPDATE: Permeability and Selfhood (grad) (10/21/05; 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 3:52am
Tara MacDonald

Permeability and Selfhood

McGill University, Montreal

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature

March 11-12, 2006

*Please note that this is a graduate conference.

The English Graduate Students Association at McGill University is soliciting
panels for its upcoming Conference on Language and Literature. The
conference will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on March 11-12, 2006. We
are pleased to announce that Dr. Terry Castle, Walter A. Haas Professor in
the Humanities at Stanford University, will be the plenary speaker.

Call for Panels

CFP: European Silent Cinema (1/15/06; collection)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 3:52am
Young, Gwenda

CFP: European Silent Cinema (01/15/2006; proposed edited collection)

Submissions are invited for a collection of essays relating to
European Silent Cinema.

The scope of this collection is intended to provide an overview of European
film in the silent era, providing an introduction for students and scholars
and opening up areas for future research. Topics of investigation might
include, but are not limited to: pioneers of national cinemas, questions of
gender and representation, stars, ethnicity, class, audience reception,
entertainment history, visions of modernity and tradition in silent cinema,
exhibition practices (including music), genre, the presence of foreign
producers etc.

UPDATE: Permeability and Selfhood (grad) (10/21/05; 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 3:52am
Tara MacDonald

Permeability and Selfhood

McGill University, Montreal

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature

March 11-12, 2006

*Please note that this is a graduate conference.

The English Graduate Students Association at McGill University is soliciting
panels for its upcoming Conference on Language and Literature. The
conference will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on March 11-12, 2006. We
are pleased to announce that Dr. Terry Castle, Walter A. Haas Professor in
the Humanities at Stanford University, will be the plenary speaker.

Call for Panels
