CFP: Conference on Baseball in Literature and Culture (1/24/06; 3/31/06)
Call for Papers: Eleventh Conference on Baseball in Literature and
Friday, March 31, 2006
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN
Deadline for abstracts: January 24, 2006
The Eleventh Conference on Baseball in Literature and Culture, which
will change venue this year from
Indiana State University to Middle Tennessee State University, is
soliciting 1-2 page proposals for presentations to be given at the
conference on Friday, March 31, 2006. Presenters will have 20 minutes.
Proposals should summarize the talk as clearly as possible. The
conference theme defines "culture" loosely: in addition to baseball
literature, topics could include aspects of baseball history, baseball
and urban development, ballpark design, baseball and economics, baseball
and media, baseball in painting or music, readings of creative works
(fiction, non-fiction essays, poems, plays), and so on. All
presentations must follow the 20 minute format. Statistical analyses of
teams and players are not wanted.
Proposals should make clear how baseball relates to some aspect of
local, ethnic, national or international
culture; we are particularly interested in accepting proposals related
to Negro League baseball and culture.
Include on the proposal your name, address, phone number, and e- mail
address. Proposals should be sent to Dr.
Ron Kates, Department of English, Box 70, Middle Tennessee State
University, Murfreesboro, TN 37132, or by
e-mail to Those individuals who choose to e-mail
proposals should send a hard copy by post
as well. The deadline for proposals is January 24, 2006. Writers will be
notified of acceptance by February 3,
2006. Presenters may have the opportunity to submit papers for possible
publication in a volume of conference
proceedings to be published by McFarland.
Conference website:
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Oct 23 2005 - 23:12:22 EDT