CFP: Gilman in the 20th Century (12/2/05; SSAWW, 11/8/06-11/11/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Cynthia Davis
contact email: 

The Charlotte Perkins Gilman Society invites proposals for a panel at the 2006 Society for the Study of American Women Writers Conference in Philadelphia. The topic of the proposed panel is "Charlotte Perkins Gilman in the Twentieth Century."
Panel description and submission information follows:
Charlotte Perkins Gilman was born in 1860, on the eve of the Civil War, and died in 1935, at the height of the great depression. She came to international fame in 1898, with the publication of Women and Economics, and remained prolific subsequently; indeed, she penned many of the works she considered her strongest during the first several decades of the twentieth century. When we concentrate exclusively on her 1892 story "The Yellow Wall-Paper," when we place Gilman in the context of the nineteenth century, are we doing the author a disservice? This panel will focus on Gilman as a twentieth-century writer and/or on her twentieth-century writings. Proposals might want to address how this focus changes our understanding of her accomplishments and/or her limitations.

Submit vita and 1-2 page abstracts on or before December 2, 2005, to:
Prof. Cynthia J. Davis
English Dept., Welsh Humanities Office Building
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208

Cynthia J. Davis, Associate Professor
Department of English
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
ph: 803-777-2224; fax: 803-777-9064

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Received on Sun Oct 23 2005 - 23:09:40 EDT