CFP: Mid-America Theatre Conference: Pedgagoy Focus Group (no deadline noted; MATC, 3/2/06-3/5/06)
Pedagogy Focus Group
Mid-America Theatre Conference (MATC)
In keeping with the conference theme =E2=80=9CDeveloping a Praxis for Collab=
oration &=20
Multicultural Diversity=E2=80=9D the Pedagogy Focus Group seeks panels, inte=
workshops, roundtable discussions, presentations, and papers that address=20
theoretical foundations and practices engaging diversity in the classroom,=20
rehearsal process, as they pertain to faculty/student relationships or colla=
among directors, designers, mentors/mentees or colleagues. Topics may incl=
but are not limited to best practices in creating diverse syllabi in all=20
areas of theatre (Introductory Courses, Theatre History and Literature,=20
Playwriting, Design, Directing, Theatre for Youth=E2=80=A6); specific exerci=
ses that point to=20
diversity, interdisciplinarity and/or collaboration; strategies for=20
foregrounding diversity in play selection; and even faculty or student orien=
tations. =20
Pedagogy is not limited to =E2=80=9Cteaching tips=E2=80=9D or =E2=80=9Cclass=
room behaviors=E2=80=9D; it=20
embraces all aspects of teaching in the broadest sense.
Please submit 250 word (max) abstracts to BOTH Pedagogy Symposium Chairs:
Anne Fletcher Kirsten Ogden
work (618) 453-7594 work (909) 593-3511 ext. 4363
Email: Email:=20
Mail Code 6608
Theater Dept. Miller Hall
Southern Illinois University Carbondale University of La Verne
Carbondale, IL 62901 1950 Third Street
La Verne, CA 91750
ALSO: Submit your 1-page Classroom Activity or Assignment to MATC=E2=80=
Pedagogy Papers. Your 1-page submission can highlight an excellent teaching=20=
a particularly useful classroom strategy, a unit-outline or assignment, a=20
writing exercise or an acting assignment, or a paper topic or use of technol=
MATC Pedagogy Papers can focus on any aspect of teaching theater, from the=20
rehearsal process and the acting or design aspects of theater to dramaturgy,=
theater history or introductory courses. All papers will be published=20
electronically onto Pedagogy Papers CD-Rom for conference attendees.
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that=20
matter."--Martin Luther King Jr.
Kirsten Ogden, MFA
Assistant Professor of English
Writing Program, Department of Modern Languages
University of La Verne
1950 Third Street
La Verne, CA 91750
(909) 593-3511 ext. 4363
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Oct 23 2005 - 23:09:41 EDT