CFP: Affect and the Translation of the Human (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Ignacio Infante
contact email: 

Affect and the Translation of the human (11/30/05; ACLA 06, Princeton,
March 06)

March 23-26, 06.

SEMINAR: Transferring Bodies: Affect and the Translation of the Human

Seminar Organizer(s): Ignacio Infante, Rutgers University

Seminar Description:

This panel proposes to explore different conceptualizations of the
relation between "affect" and "the body" as a translational mechanism
essential for establishing, producing and articulating the entities
generally labelled as "human." A key objective of the panel would be to
incorporate translation theory to the theoretical constellation at stake
here in our attempt to discuss the mechanics of affect between particular
"bodies," since it seems clear that a particular process of "translatio"
takes place not only in the production of affects, but most evidently in
the different attempts to provide particular interpretations/readings of
those same affects. This panel therefore aims at establishing an
interdisciplinary dialogue between traditional notions used to describe
this crucially "human" dialectic (i.e. "introjection," "projection,"
"transference" as developed in different strands of psychoanalysis, as
well as notions like "empathy" and "sympathy" belonging to aesthetic
theory), with new or alternative ways of conceptualizing the nature of
affect within contemporary post-structuralist critical thinking (i.e. Rei
Terada's reading of feeling "after the Death of the Subject", to mention
one major example). Finally, and within this very context, it would also
be interesting to question the very category of the "human" as the
exclusive realm in which "affects" might be able to operate and thus
investigate the possibilities for a more technologically sophisticated
realm where "affects" might manage to translate into their yet to be
conceptualized post-human form.

Open call seminar. If interested please submit your proposals online

Paper proposals due 30 November.

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Received on Sat Oct 29 2005 - 14:49:19 EDT
