CFP: Language, Ideology, and the Human (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Sanja Bahun-Radunovic
contact email: 

American Comparative Literature Association Conference 2006
(Princeton University, March 23-26)


Language, Ideology, and the Human

Organizers and chairs: Dusan Radunovic, University of Sheffield, and Sanja
Bahun, Rutgers University

Both, matter and essence, the eternal memory of the humankind and the
ephemeral glitter of the mind, the phenomenon of language has never ceased
to captivate the imagination of the Western civilization. In a wide span
from the controversy of its ontological status («words and things») to the
paradoxes of the language-thought correlation and the ideological (mis)use
of language, the multiple ways in which language structures the human have
provoked systematic and oft-times radical theoretical articulations. We
invite proposals that deal with, but are not limited to, the following set
of questions:

- philosophy of language: traditional and modern
- philosophy as language: the twentieth century
- language and the cognitive forms
- the «langue» and its enemies
- the heteroglotic self and the linguistic liberation of the human
- the Bourdieuan analysis: language and symbolic power structures
- language of revolution and revolution in language
- meta-languages and ideology: literature, film, media, etc.

The paper proposals (maximum 250 words) should be submitted through the ACLA
web-site: All
inquiries may be directed to Dusan Radunovic, (
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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Oct 29 2005 - 14:48:23 EDT