CFP: Sacred Other: Boundaries and Pores in the Tanakh, New Testament, and Qur'an (11/28/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)
ACLA 2006 Conference Theme:
The Human and Its Others
ACLA 2006 Conference:
Princeton University
March 23-26, 2006
Submission Deadline: November 28, 2005
Three Panel Series (Stream) Title:
Sacred Other: Boundaries and Pores in the Tanakh, New
Testament, and Qur'an
Seminar Organizer: Roberta Sabbath, University of
Nevada, Las Vegas
Bombarded by otherness, the subjectivity springing out
of the three sacred texts of the Abrahamic tradition
faces influence, invasion, and inspiration from
innumerable sources in the Tanakh, New Testament, and
Qur'an. Divinity, demons, destiny, and the desert all
have their way with their human targets. The inscribed
combat and collaboration between these biblical humans
and their biblical others continues to resonate with
believers and doubters alike. The use of a variety of
theoretical and imaginative strategies helps to
foreground the action at this dynamic interface.
Polymorphous strategies are welcome, including
rhetorical criticism, literary theories, cultural
studies, narratology, philosophy, ethics, aesthetics,
mysticism, sociology, psychology, and performance
Submit a one page abstract and a one page c.v. as an
attachment via email to A
reply to the email will serve as confirmation of
receipt. Response regarding acceptance will be sent
just after ACLA deadline for full panel submission.
Also submit proposals via the ACLA Conference website
online paper proposal form, selecting the Sacred Other
Panelists should plan on attending all three days of
the Sacred Other stream. Three day streams are
typically scheduled Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
mornings. Papers run 15-20 minutes each.
Roberta Sabbath
Department of English
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4505 Maryland Parkway
Box 455011
Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-5011
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Oct 29 2005 - 14:48:49 EDT