CFP: Ancient & Modern Narrative (12/1/05; 3/9/06-3/11/06)
=93Ancient and Modern Narrative: Intersections, Interactions, and=20
Interstices=94, the 41st Annual Comparative Literature Conference at=20
California State University, Long Beach, March 9-11, 2006. This=20
conference will combine the traditional and the emergent aspects of=20
Comparative Literature, which began as a philological and=20
classically-oriented discipline and now encompasses a more emergent,=20
global perspective. It will emphasize modern literary echoes of the=20
classical world and direct adaptation of ancient literature. It can=20
include the study of canonical western texts (such as James Joyce=92s=20
adaptation of The Odyssey in Ulysses) and postcolonial appropriations=20
(i.e. Derek Walcott=92s Omeros). Possible Panel Topics: Rewritings of=20
Classical Texts, Retellings of Classical Myth, Mimesis and Concepts of=20=
Imitation, The Classical Heritage in Non-Western Contexts, The Exilic=20
Imagination, The Adaptation of Comic Forms, Representations of=20
Classical Realities, Genre Theory, Satire Across the Centuries, The=20
Classics in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (i.e. film), The Western=20=
Tradition in a Global Context. Papers should be 15-20 minutes. Plenary=20=
speaker: Georgia Ladogianni, Professor of Philology at the University=20
of Ioannina, Greece. Title of plenary talk: "Ancient and Modern Greece;=20=
Myth in Poetry and Drama of the 20th Century". Conference activities=20
include a trip to the Getty museum.
One page (300 word maximum) abstracts should be sent to Kathryn Chew,=20
Dept of Comparative Literature and Classics, California State Univ.,=20
Long Beach, Long Beach, CA 90840-2404; Abstract=20
deadline: 1 December 2005.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Nov 03 2005 - 12:46:47 EST