CFP: Docudrama (no deadline noted; Film & History, 11/8/06-11/12/06)

full name / name of organization:
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Call for Papers:

2006 Film and History League Conference
"The Documentary Tradition"

AREA: Docudrama

The docudrama--understood as either a "dramatization" or a
"reenactment"--has been a staple of film and television production
throughout the history of these media. In both "high" and "low concept"
versions, the docudrama is a fabricated recreation of actual people and
events. In docudramas the forms and devices of fictional narrative are
used to render more vivid the conflict and drama of a "real" subject.
Docudramas attempt to present factual material through the organizing
aesthetics of fiction and narrative, and they often utilze forms of
narrative patterning and visual composition that facilitate audience
identification with the "characters"--even when these characters are
well-known historical figures. We are inviting submissions on all
aspects and types of docudrama.

The Film and History League conference details can be found at

The meeting will run from 8-12 November, 2006 in the Dolce Conference
Center near the DFW airport. A spectrum of other areas will evolve on
the web site over time.

Send all inquiries and proposals to

Dr. John Parris Springer
100 North University Drive
Edmond, OK 73034-5209
phone 405/974-5515

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Nov 03 2005 - 13:13:06 EST
