CFP: Quarterly Review of Film and Video (ongoing; journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Wheeler Winston Dixon
contact email: 


The editors of Quarterly Review of Film and Video seek submissions of
manuscripts in film, video, and moving image studies. QRFV is devoted to
providing innovative perspectives from a broad range of methodologies,
including writings on newly developing technologies, as well as essays
and interviews in any area of film history, production, reception and

We are particularly interested in essays on video games and video
installations, and postmodern examinations of images in popular culture
and the video arts that intersect with film/video.

We also seek essays that cast a fresh perspective on well-known
material, whether mediated by historical discoveries, or new
perspectives on race, class, sexuality or other factors.

We also regularly publish book reviews.

QRFV accepts essays in MLA or Chicago format. Footnotes and/or endnotes
are permitted. If using MLA format, please use parenthetical citations
throughout the text, and a list of works cited at the end.

All film titles are underlined, with date of release directly following
in parentheses, and name of director at first mention, as in: Alfred
Hitchcock's Psycho (1960). Use MLA Handbook, 5th Edition; or, if in
Chicago format, the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th Edition.

Please be very careful to include ALL PAGE NUMBERS on works cited. If
using MLA style, articles in journals, or in anthologies, must be listed
with the COMPLETE INCLUSIVE pagination of the article or essay in the
Works Cited section.

Similarly, all quotes within your essay must be followed immediately by
a parenthetical citation from the work in question, for example: (Heller
Manuscripts are subject to a pre-screening and then a formal review

There is no formal deadline; manuscripts are reviewed throughout the
year. Manuscripts cannot be returned to contributors.

Complete guidelines for QRFV articles and reviews may be downloaded at:

The Transfer of Copyright Agreement, which must be downloaded, signed by
the author, and submitted with each article or review can be downloaded at:

Please send articles as attachments to:
and then fax the Author Warranty form to:
"Attn. Wheeler Winston Dixon" at (402) 472 9771

A complete submission thus includes:

*Text sent as an attachment
*Signed Transfer of Copyright Agreement faxed to (402) 472 9771
*Brief "about the author" bio
*Complete mail, fax, home and work phone, and e-mail addresses

Please put the text, author bio, and address information in ONE document;
do not split your submission up into separate files.

Quarterly Review of Film and Video
Wheeler Winston Dixon
Gwendolyn Audrey Foster
Department of English
202 Andrews Hall
University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, NE 68588-0333
Phone (402) 472 6064
Fax (402) 472 9771

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Nov 03 2005 - 12:46:54 EST
