CFP: Rhetoric & Kairos (12/1/05; 2/24/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Donna M. Souder
contact email: 

A Symposium in Rhetoric: "Rhetoric & Kairos"
Open to faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars

The Federation Rhetoric Committee of the Federation of North Texas Area


Texas Woman's University - Denton, Texas

Where: ACT Bldg. 2nd Floor

When: February 24, 2006


The Rhetoric Symposium is now accepting proposals for papers and panels
dealing with contemporary issues of kairos, which we define broadly to
incorporate a wide variety of research interests.

We welcome submissions from all areas including but not limited to:
Disability Studies, Rhetoric and Disability, Rhetoric and Composition,
English, Journalism, Political Science, Education, History, Film Studies,
Media Studies, Art, Psychology, and Sociology.

The keynote speaker will be Dr. Brenda Brueggemann of Ohio State University.
Her research and teaching interests include Disability Rhetorics, Gender &
Disability, Composition Studies, and Critical Theory. Dr. Brueggemann is the
author of several important books, including Lend Me Your Ear: Rhetorical
Constructions of Deafness.

The subject of Dr. Brueggemann's paper will be Disability Rhetoric. There
will be a special "Spotlight Panel" on Disability Rhetoric.

Deadline for Submission of 250-Word Abstract: 12/01/2005

Individual and Panel Proposals Welcome / Prizes for outstanding student
papers will be awarded!


Web Site:

Please send inquiries and abstracts to:
<> <>

or via USPS to:

Federation Rhetoric Symposium
c/o Ms. Donna M. Souder
Department of English, Speech, and Foreign Languages
P.O. Box 425829
Denton, TX 76204-5829 USA
940.898.2324 or...
817.538.1600 (alternate email: <>

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Nov 03 2005 - 13:12:52 EST