CFP: Schumann across the Disciplines (11/15/05; 9/29/06-9/30/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Smith, Christopher

"Schumann Perspectives: A View Across the Disciplines," an
international symposium and music festival celebrating the wide-ranging
artistic legacy of Robert Schumann will take place on the campus of
Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas from September 29-30, 2006.
The festival marks the 150th anniversary of the death of this remarkable
composer, writer, and cultural icon.


Featured guest speakers and performers include:

* Lawrence Kramer (Professor of Music, Fordham University),
co-editor of 19th-Century Music and author of seven books on the
interrelations of music, culture, and society.

* Harald Krebs (Professor of Music, University of Victoria),
author of Fantasy Pieces: Metrical Dissonance in the Music of Robert
Schumann, winner of the Society for Music Theory's Wallace Berry Award.

* Louis Nagel (Professor of Music, University of Michigan),
widely acclaimed pianist, chamber musician, and pedagogue.

* Catherine Kautsky (Professor of Music, University of
Wisconsin-Madison), pianist/scholar, speaking about the interconnections
between E.T.A. Hoffmann's Kater Murr and Schumann's Kreisleriana.


The College of Visual and Performing Arts at Texas Tech University
invites proposals for research papers on topics including Schumann and
his contemporaries; 19th-century repertoire, performance practice, and
aesthetics; and literary and philosophical issues in Romanticism.
Proposals from performers in collaboration with theorists,
musicologists, historians, and/or literary scholars for lecture-recitals
on the works of Schumann are also welcomed as are submissions of student
performances of the solo or chamber music of Schumann for inclusion in a
masterclass directed by Louis Nagel. Submissions should include a copy
of the Proposal Cover Sheet, a written proposal of no more than 500
words, and for performers, a CD or video recording of representative
works featured in your presentation. Application forms and additional
information can be found on the conference website at =
quicklink to the website can be found at or on the School of Music
webpage at


All proposals must be postmarked no later than February 15, 2006 for
full consideration. Questions may be directed to Dr. Lora Deahl at



Dr Christopher Smith, Music History and Literature=20
Director, Vernacular Music Center=20
Texas Tech University School of Music MS2033=20
Lubbock, TX 79409-42033=20
806/742-2270 x249;

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Received on Thu Nov 03 2005 - 13:23:24 EST