CFP: The Human Drama of the Family; (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

full name / name of organization: 

Call for Papers for "The Human Drama of the Family as Portrayed in the=20=

Visual Arts"
2006 American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting ("The=20
Human its Others")
March 23 - 26, 2006, Princeton University, NJ
Co-organizers: W. C. Nielsen, Montclair State University and Gail=20
Finney, UC Davis
Deadline for papers: November 30, 2005

This seminar, "The Human Drama of the Family as Portrayed in the Visual=20=

Arts," will explore treatments of the =93human=94 family in visual =
e.g., theater, cinema, photography, television, performance art,=20
painting, and other visual arts. In what ways are families portrayed as=20=

something other than human? Why is performing the drama of human=20
families and/or the human drama of families a site of contested values?=20=

How or why is the visual mode particularly suited to the representation=20=

of the human family drama?

The goal of this seminar is to compare families and their humanity (or=20=

lack thereof) from different cultural and national perspectives and=20
across the ages, from ancient times to the present. To this end,=20
proposals exposing the ways in which the human frailties of family life=20=

are made visible (or invisible) are also welcomed and encouraged even=20
if they examine narratives instead of the visual arts.

The following list of keywords points to the breadth of the seminar:

Families, Performance, and the Human
Performing Human Families
Science of Family Drama
Family Ghosts/Monsters
Supernatural Families
Cyber-children, -parents
Science of Parentage and History of Drama/Cinema
Science Fiction and the Family
Human Rituals and Family Politics
Family Trauma Onstage/Onscreen and Off
Psychoanalysis of Family Drama
Gender, Performance, and the Family
Translating the Family and the Post-human
Censorship of Familial Problems
Allegory and the Family

Paper proposals (250 words) for 15-20 minute papers should be sent=20
directly to
the ACLA website,
(Select "The Human Drama of the Family" as your seminar)

For questions, please contact the co-organizers of this panel, Wendy C.=20=

Nielsen ( and/or Gail Finney=20

The American Comparative Literature Association annual conference is
organized primarily into seminars (or "streams"), which consist either
of twelve papers, if they meet on all three days of the conference, or
eight to nine papers, if they meet on two days. For further
information about the conference, including the format, please see

~ * ~ * ~ ~ * ~ * ~ ~ * ~ * ~ ~ * ~ * ~~ * ~ * ~~ * ~ * ~
Wendy C. Nielsen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
English Department
Montclair State University
Montclair, NJ 07043

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Received on Thu Nov 03 2005 - 12:47:01 EST
