CFP: Building Bridges - Crossing Borders: Transdisciplinarity and American Studies (Turkey) (2/1/06; 5/25/06-5/28/06)

full name / name of organization: 
joshua parker
contact email: 

American Culture and Literature
English Language and Literature
Fatih University
Istanbul, Turkey
will host an international Humanities conference
Building Bridges--Crossing Borders: Transdisciplinarity
American Studies
25 - 28 May 2006

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Keynote speakers: Bernard Mergen, Susan Curtis, and Guenter Lenz

American Studies as a discipline has surely moved beyond the borders (both =
political and cultural) of the United States,
going on to become more of a method than a discipline, with a strong interd=
isciplinary and multidisciplinary emphasis =96 with
the intention, in part, to distance itself from the specter of American exc=
eptionalism, but also to speak with greater force
and relevance to an increasingly pluralistic classroom within. How this new=
 curriculum and
(interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary) approach can - and whether it should =
- be adopted by American Studies departments
without the United States and transdisciplinarity as a theory of knowledge =
and pedagogy that is between, across, and beyond
the disciplines will be the centerpiece of the conference.
The objective is a search for common ground in American Studies on more neu=
tral ground.

Proposed papers, panels or presentations on American literature and culture=
 (in a global context) may be submitted to:
Dr. Clyde R. Forsberg Jr.
Conference Organizer

Dr. Joshua Parker

Deadline 1 February 2006
(One page abstract & brief CV)

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Nov 08 2005 - 17:15:08 EST
