CFP: Christian Witness in a World of Clashing Cultures (12/5/05; 4/6/06-4/8/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Doug Davison
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Call for Papers

Southeastern Conference on Christianity and Literature=20

Anderson College, Anderson, SC April 6-8, 2006


General Topic: Christian Witness in a World of Clashing Cultures


The resurgence of "multicultural theory" over recent decades in higher
education in the United States has drawn attention to the often-violent
intersection of cultures. Even America, which prides itself on
democratic principles, does not have the best of histories here - the
decimation of the Native American tribes, the enslavement of Africans,
the exploitation of immigrant workers, the internment of Japanese and
Arab citizens - the list goes on. Are human beings doomed to be
suspicious of other cultures? Are we doomed to xenophobia?=20


The 2006 meeting of the Southeastern Conference on Christianity and
Literature will address the literary intersection between Christianity
and other cultures and traditions. Papers that explore the literary
response to the following topics are especially welcomed:


Christian perspectives/views/understandings of other cultures: Is there
a particularly Christian way of understanding how we should relate to
cultures that are not our own? =20


Non-Christian perspectives/views/understandings of Christianity: How
should Christians relate to those cultures outside of the Church? =20


Retellings of the biblical story in different cultural contexts: What do
these retellings accomplish for the community of believers and for those
outside that community? =20


Christian responses to different incarnations of Christianity: What is
the relationship between "Christianity" and "culture"? What makes a
culture Christian? Is there a distinctly Christian culture? =20


The clash of cultures: What can literature reveal about the clashing of
cultures? How does literature portray the dangers and promises of the
encounters among cultures?


Christian responses to xenocide: Clashes in cultures have produced some
of the darkest events in human history. What is a Christian witness in
the midst of these atrocities? How does literature explore the balance
between the need for forgiveness and the danger of the passive
acceptance of evil? How far should Christians go in pursuing justice -
in pursuing forgiveness? Are the two at odds with one another? Does
literature reveal limits to forgiveness?



The program committee seeks scholarly works on the aforementioned
topics, but papers tangentially related to the conference theme will
also be considered. Papers should not exceed a reading time of 15-20
minutes (8-10 typed pages). Please submit abstracts (via e-mail) to Dr.
Margaret Wooten (


Deadline for submissions: December 5, 2005.

All presenters should be registered members of the Conference on
Christianity and Literature. =20

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Received on Tue Nov 08 2005 - 17:13:22 EST