CFP: (En)compass(ing) Language in Creative Writing (grad) (12/18/05; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Brandon Hernsberger
contact email: 

Call for Papers from Graduate Students


"En(compass)ing Language: Interplay Within English Studies"


Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

March 31st through April 1st


Sponsored by: Texas Tech University's Graduate English Society

Co-Chairs: Brandon Hernsberger and Elizabeth Porter


Address: GES Conference

                                    Texas Tech University

                                    Department of English, Box 43091

                                    Lubbock, Texas 79409-3091



The 11th Annual Graduate English Society Conference will be held March 31st-April 1st, 2006 at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX. The theme of this year's conference, "En(compass)ing Language: Interplay within English Studies," reminds us that the interaction between participants in the various fields of English studies produces new ideas and foundations on which to build our future research. We hope that this conference will encourage this type of camaraderie.


The Creative Writing Chair, Marco A. Domínguez (, welcomes proposals (7-10 poems or 1 work to 2 short works of fiction or nonfiction) from graduate students that deal with one of the following topics:


· The Language of Place – An area, location, landscape, or a change of scenery can affect the creative process. For many writers place becomes the groundwork of their stories and poems, such as William Faulkner, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Kim Barnes, Annie Dillard, and Richard Hugo

· The Language of Travel – The road, sky, and waterways, along with the movement involved, create different effects and tensions in many creative works. Kerouac proved that the road trip has a language all its own.

· Foreign Languages or Dialects in Creative Works – Many writers from James Joyce to Jimmy Santiago Baca have allowed words and phrases from other languages enter their work for various reasons, such as authenticity, effect, character dialogue, culture, etc.

· Reinventing, Rediscovering Language – A lot can be done with the etymology of words in writing. Poems can make use of forgotten meanings. Nonfiction pieces can sometimes revolve on a certain word's origin. Another thing writing also does is invent new meanings and reinvent the use of a word. William Carlos Williams, e. e. cummings and other writers use language in new and surprising ways.


Deadline for submissions: December 18, 2005.


We are please to welcome Dr. Thomas Nunnally of Auburn University as keynote speaker. Dr. Nunnally is co-editor of From the Gulf States and Beyond: The Legacy of Lee Pederson and LAGS and Language Variety in the South Revisited as well as articles and essays related to the study of sociolinguistic forces behind dialect change and lexical change. The keynote speech will be delivered Saturday, April 1st at noon and will be followed by a question and answer session.


The Texas Tech GES Conference has been pleased to welcome students from throughout the United States, as well as countries abroad. We are looking forward to sharing research and fostering discussion among students. Lodging and registration details will be available on the GES Conference website.

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Received on Tue Nov 08 2005 - 17:12:38 EST
