CFP: (En)compass(ing) Language in Literature Studies (grad) (12/18/05; 3/31/06-4/1/06)
Call for Papers from Graduate Students
"(En)compass(ing) Language: Interplay Within English Studies"
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
March 31st through April 1st
Sponsored by: Texas Tech University's Graduate English Society
Co-Chairs: Brandon Hernsberger and Elizabeth Porter
Address: GES Conference
Texas Tech University
Department of English, Box 43091
Lubbock, Texas 79409-3091
The 11th Annual Graduate English Society Conference will be held March 31st-April 1st, 2006 at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX. The theme of this year's conference, "En(compass)ing Language: Interplay within English Studies," reminds us that the interaction between participants in the various fields of English studies produces new ideas and foundations on which to build our future research. We hope that this conference will encourage this type of camaraderie.
The Literature Area chair Quentin Vieregge (
welcomes proposals of about 250-words from graduate students addressing
the literary time periods listed below.
Renaissance Literature: We encourage abstracts discussing the literary
representation of conflicts during this period, such as those between
Protestants and Catholics, between the supporters and detractors of the
emergence of drama, or between different economic classes. As well,
abstracts which "encompass" various approaches, such as cultural or
theoretical analysis to this period, are welcome.
18th Century British Literature: We encourage abstracts discussing the
subjects of travel literature, biographies and diaries, or
colonization. In addition, we also invite submissions of papers concerning the
standardization of language, dictionary publication, and lexicography, the
formation of the English canon, or a theoretical/critical analysis
(ex.: New Historic approach, Feminist approach) of the first publication of
an English dictionary by Samuel Johnson. Also encouraged are papers
dealing with the new 18th Century idea of representing classes other than
nobility in literature-the representation of the common man or woman.
19th Century British Literature: We encourage abstracts discussing the
Victorian novel, either single or multiple works. Many different
historical, cultural, and social constraints were beginning to lift at this
time, producing growing anxieties between previously stable institutions
of legal, political, and social bodies; ideally, papers submitted for
this panel should reflect these anxieties. Papers discussing
under-represented connections to the literature of the time (such as, but not
limited to, gender conflicts, religious apprehensions, imperialist
concerns, and psychological developments) are especially encouraged.
Border Literature (Fiction and Non-Fiction): We encourage abstracts
discussing literature about borders worldwide, such as U.S.-Mexico,
U.S.-Canada, South American borders, Middle Eastern Borders, European
borders, African borders, etc. A wide variety of theoretical approaches to
the works are acceptable such as Modernism, Postmodernism, Feminism, New
Historicism, Postcolonial, Transnational Studies, Gender Theory,
Narrative Theory, Ethnic Studies, Critical Race Theory, Marxism, etc. Papers
that incorporate theory with a historical-cultural approach are
Encompassing British Modernist Literature: We encourage abstracts that
examine perspectives of British Modernism as they relate to concurrent
social, political, cultural, and artistic trends in Britain, and/or its
connections to other Modernisms, such as American or Continental.
Papers on other topics focusing on British Modernism are welcome as well.
20th Century American Literature: We encourage abstracts that discuss
topics concerning American Literature, especially examinations of
particular works utilizing a recent theoretical approach
(post-structuralist). As well, papers that are compatible with the conference theme are
also preferred.
While submissions following these criteria are encouraged, submissions dealing with related issues will be considered.
Deadline for submissions: December 18, 2005.
We are please to welcome Dr. Thomas Nunnally of Auburn University as keynote speaker. Dr. Nunnally is co-editor of From the Gulf States and Beyond: The Legacy of Lee Pederson and LAGS and Language Variety in the South Revisited as well as articles and essays related to the study of sociolinguistic forces behind dialect change and lexical change. The keynote speech will be delivered Saturday, April 1st at noon and will be followed by a question and answer session.
The Texas Tech GES Conference has been pleased to welcome students from throughout the United States, as well as countries abroad. We are looking forward to sharing
research and fostering discussion among students. Lodging and registration details will be available on the GES Conference website.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Nov 08 2005 - 17:13:40 EST