CFP: Existentialism in Twentieth Century American Fiction (2/28/06; collection)
The Indian Institute of World Literature invites articles in about 2000 words for inclusion in a volume on "Existentialism in Twentieth Century American Fiction", edited by Prof.Ganesan Balakrishnan, to be published in June 2006. The book will highlight the traces of Existentialism in the works of writers of the 'lost generation' like Ernest Hemingway,John Dos Passos,Scott Fitzgerald, and William Faulkner.However, the boundaries are not very rigid -
any major Post-War era American novelist with an Existentialist outlook upon life will also be
considered. Articles may be typed/printed on one side of A4 size paper may be sent by Courier/Ordinary Mail to the following address before 02/28/2006
Articles may also be sent as Email attachments in Ms Word format to
Prof.Ganesan Balakrishnan,Ph.D.,
PG & Research Dept. of English,
Pachaiyappa's College,
Tamil Nadu, India
Pin - 600010
If you have any questions Please contact Prof.Balakrishnan at
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Nov 08 2005 - 17:14:58 EST