CFP: Politicizing Texts (grad & undergrad) (12/16/05; Acacia, 2/17/06-2/18/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Acacia Group
contact email: 

Acacia Group's 2006 Conference: Politicizing Texts

Acacia Group of California State University, Fullerton is seeking
papers for our 2006 conference.

The Acacia Group requests your input and ideas for our upcoming Acacia
Conference titled "Politicizing Texts," to be held February 17th and
18th, 2006. We are interested in topics and panel suggestions that
explore mechanisms of power at work in or influencing the production
of /reading of texts.

Your suggestions should consider some of the following broad, thematic
questions (this is not an inclusive list):
How does literature, art, or any medium of communication work with or
against modes of power? Where are the inherent blindnesses that a
"political" or an "historical" text puts forth? What are/are there
radical texts? Do counter-culture texts destroy or re-enforce the
political or social norms from which they work? Does art have the
power, or the aim, to change systems of power? Do re-readings of
classic texts damage the integrity of the texts by imposing
anachronistic ideals?

Our aim is to engender an interdisciplinary conference wherein topics,
genres, and mediums can be presented side-by-side. Topic ideas and
panel suggestions should include a title, a brief explanation, and any
quotes / questions that may help spark inspiration in potential
conference applicants. We are also seeking suggestions for
pedagogical topics, creative writing panels, and special session
panels from other humanities-based studies so long as they can be
linked to the general theme of the conference.

Creative writing/productions/performance contributions are encouraged
to function as commentaries on or expressions of any and all of the
topics listed, or, they may be submitted individually for special
panel consideration. We are accepting completed paper submissions
only, no abstracts please. Submissions that will not be presented in
written form (performances, art, etc.) must include a brief (1-2 page)
explanation of the submission's relevance to the topic/theme,
materials used, and concepts explored (photos of the pieces should be
included if available). All presentations, whether written,
performed, or shown may not exceed 20 minutes.

Conference date: February 17-18, 2006
Completed Paper Submission Deadline: December 16, 2005
Please note submissions are open to graduate and undergraduate students.
Please send sumbissions to: (word format please).

--Thank youThe Acacia Group ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Tue Nov 08 2005 - 17:13:56 EST
