CFP: Substitution (grad) (1/6/06; 4/6/06-4/7/06)

full name / name of organization:

The "Société des Études supérieures du Département d'Études françaises"
(S.E.S.D.E.F.) at the University of Toronto announces a


11th Annual Student Conference, French Graduate Studies
April 6th & 7th, 2006

Substitution: Equivalence, fluctuation, disproportion

This international conference brings together M.A. and Ph.D. students from all
fields related to French studies: Linguistics, Translation, Literary Studies,
Cultural Studies, Cinema Studies, History, Philosophy etc. We wish to reflect
on themes related to associative principles that govern the operations on which
literary and linguistics theories are based. According to Gérard Genette
(Figures III, 1972), one of these is substitution: to signify one thing by
another or, as stated by Michel Meyer (1986), "meaning implies
substitutability". The relationship between an object and its substitute can
manifest itself through equilibrium, imbalance or permanent fluctuation.

We are seeking contributions which reflect on the process of substitution from
an empirical, theoretical and/or critical perspective. We welcome proposals
for 20 minute papers, pertaining to any historical period and based on any
methodological approach covering, but not limited to, the following sub-themes
and topics:

- Linguistic substitution: morphosyntactic (pronominalisation, anaphors,
allomorphs, inflectional paradigms); phonological/phonetic (allophones);
lexical (neologisms, paraphrases); sociolinguistic (vernacular vs. standard
variants); diachronic (analogy); acquisition and bi/multilingualism (first
language attrition, inter-linguistic, inter/intra-generational transfer)
- Reconstructions and transitions: literary (alterity: imposture, the double or
the doppelganger; gender and identity: hybridity, metamorphose,
agentivity/subjectivity); cultural, socio-historical, or socio-political ((r)
evolutions, manifestos, utopias, colonialism); sociolinguistic (identity and
language); translations (intercultural, subtitles)
- Rhetorical relations of similitude (metaphor); of contiguity (metonymy,
synecdoche); of contrast (irony)
- Intergeneric (re)adaptations (literature, theatre, cinema, comic strips)
- Semiotic relations and substitutions (theories of symbols and talismans,
mythologies, totems, other forms of communication - mathematics, hieroglyphs,
other iconographies)

Barbara Havercroft (University of Toronto)
Dorin Uritescu (York University)

Please send your anonymous abstracts, in English or French (250 word maximum),
before January 6th, 2006, in plain text, Word, RTF or PDF format. In a
separate document, indicate your contact information (name, address and the
establishment you attend), as well as the title of your paper, and send all to
the following email address: Do not hesitate to
contact us at this address for any additional information. Please be also
advised that from the papers presented at the conference, some will be selected
for publication.

You can also send your proposals by mail to:
SESDEF: Student Conference
Department of French Studies, University of Toronto
50, St. Joseph Street, 2nd floor
Toronto, ON M5S 1J4 CANADA


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Received on Tue Nov 08 2005 - 17:13:55 EST
