UPDATE: Trash Cinema: A Primer for Beginners (1/1/06; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Bleach, Anthony
contact email: 

Trash Cinema: A Primer for Beginners (collection)


CALL FOR PAPERS: Collection of critical essays on trash cinema

We invite submissions for a critical anthology about the ever-expanding
world of national and international trash cinema.

As fans of trash cinema, while we do like to think of the form as being
utterly anti- or counter- "mainstream" cinema, in the ways it challenges
or reworks many of its assumptions, we are amazed at how many trash
favorites (both personal and more perennial, if such a thing exists)
have a striking formal similarity to - as well as an appeal for devotees
of - the "traditional" film canon's fare.

As teachers of trash cinema, while we admit that teaching films that
often have a universal un-appeal for our students has sometimes worked
to our disadvantage, we are interested in the pedagogical advantages of
using trash cinema in the film studies classroom and beyond.

And as scholars of trash cinema, while we know that the films are often
shoddily-produced, ill-distributed, and under-exhibited; that they are
often single-minded in their pursuit of spectacle over substance; and
that their use as scholarly texts to think about and through is often
limited by the means and ends of their production, we are fascinated
with the aesthetic and ideological work that this type of film does.

For this collection - tentatively titled *Trash Cinema: A Primer for
Beginners* - we are interested in building on the work of such scholars
as Jeffrey Sconce, who attempts to make the crucial moves of exposing
the assumptions held by more "traditional" cinema study, as well as the
study of trash cinema itself, and exploring the benefits of the
institutionalization of the latter in the academy.

Inquiries or abstracts of 500 words can be sent as e-mail attachments to
Anthony C. Bleach (bleacha_at_ecu.edu), John F. Lennon
(jlennon_at_mail.as.miami.edu), and Christopher Robe (crobe_at_fau.edu). The
updated date for submitting abstracts is January 1, 2006. Final versions
of essays accepted for the volume will be announced in 2006. Please
include full contact information with your submissions.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Tue Nov 08 2005 - 17:13:53 EST