CFP: Atenea: Humanities and Social Sciences (2/12/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Nandita Batra
contact email: 

Atenea is a multidisciplinary bilingual journal on the humanities and social
sciences published twice a year by the University of Puerto Rico at
Mayaguez. It features essays, books reviews, and some fiction and poetry.
ISSN 0885-6079
Indexed by MLA.
The editorial board invites submissions in either English or Spanish (see
the guidelines below):

Deadline for submission for Vol XXVI.2 (Dec. 2006): 12 February 2006.
1. Essays (4000-5000 words) and book reviews (500-900 words) should follow
MLA format and be accompanied by a brief abstract (250 words) on a separate
2. Poetry and fiction should not exceed 8 pages.
3. The author's name should only appear on a separate cover page, which also
provides his or her postal and email addresses, phone and fax numbers,
institutional affiliation, and a statement that the submitted piece has not
been previously published or, if this is not the case, provides details of
earlier publication.
4. Email enquiries are welcome (, but electronic submissions
are not considered. If the submitted piece is accepted, the author will be
asked to provide a copy in MS Word.
5. All submissions should be mailed in triplicate to the editor.

Address for regular mail:

Nandita Batra
Editor, Revista Atenea
Department of English - Box 9265
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00681

Address for submissions sent by Fed Ex, UPS or other courier services:
Nandita Batra,
Editor, Revista Atenea
Department of English
Chardon 323
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00680

Phone: (787) 832-4040, ext. 3064, 3595 Fax: (787) 265-3847, 265-1225

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Nov 11 2005 - 09:18:10 EST