CFP: CSA Conference Seminars (11/25/05; CSA, 4/19/06-4/22/06)

full name / name of organization: 
elizabeth conforti
contact email: 

The CSA conference (April 19-22, 2006) will again feature a series of
seminars. Seminars are small-group (maximum 15 individuals) discussion
sessions for which participants write brief ''position" papers that are
circulated prior to the conference. Those interested in participating in
(rather than leading) a seminar should consult the list of seminars below.

In order to participate in a seminar, send an email message to with "Seminar Request" in the subject line. Your message
should list up to two seminars, ranked in order of preference, in which you
would like to participate. (Note: You will be allowed to participate in
only one seminar.) Your message should also include your name, contact
information, and institutional affiliation.

Seminar requests should be sent by November 25, 2005. You will be notified
of your seminar assignment by December 20, 2005.



Proposed Seminar:
 "Cultural Studies as Cultural Praxis: Reshaping the Research University"

Seminar Description: How can we better connect academic and community-based
cultural work? This seminar is designed for participants interested in
discussing and critically assessing current efforts to develop and
institutionalize cultural studies curricula oriented toward diverse forms
of cultural praxis. We are particularly interested in hearing about
initiatives aimed at building sustainable arts and cultural pathways for
campus-community partnerships ? including community and participatory
action research strategies, arts and performance-based research projects,
and service learning or other experiential pedagogies. We are also
centrally interested in the implications of this type of activist
scholarship for the future of cultural research in (and outside of)
institutions of higher education, and in appraisals of the current
neo-liberal policy landscape that enables and encourages this institutional
shift in research and teaching priorities.

The co-moderators of this seminar are involved in developing and
institutionalizing community-based public humanities and cultural studies
graduate curricula at the University of Washington. We envision this
seminar as an opportunity to learn more about related initiatives elsewhere
and to open a conversation about this type of work to participants who may
not be currently involved in such initiatives (and/or may be skeptical
about them). We hope to conclude with suggestions for further
collaboration among the seminar participants, as appropriate.

Seminar Requirements: Seminar participants will be asked to read three
short essays (by Stuart Hall, Ien Ang, and Handel Wright) and to provide a
brief (2-3 page) written response in which they raise one or more central
questions or concerns. Ideally, these responses should balance a critical
assessment of the readings and a description of the participant's
institutional experience (if any) with praxis-oriented forms of cultural
studies scholarship. The questions and concerns raised in the responses
will serve as a jumping-off point for our discussion.

Response papers should be sent to the seminar moderators by March 21st, and
will be distributed to all seminar participants by April 1st. The seminar
moderators will also develop and circulate a summary of key questions and
concerns raised in these response papers.

Seminar moderators' names and contact info:

Miriam Bartha
Simpson Center for the Humanities
University of Washington
Box 353710
Communication Building, Suite 206
Seattle, Washington 98195-3710

Bruce Burgett
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Program
University of Washington
Box 358530
18115 Campus Way NE
Bothell, WA 98011-8246

Brief bios of the seminar moderators:
Miriam Bartha joined the Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities at
the University of Washington in 2004 as Assistant Director, having earned
her Ph.D. in American Literature from Rutgers University in 2002. She has
taught literary, cultural, and feminist studies at Rutgers and San
Francisco State Universities. She previously worked as an administrator at
the P.E.N. American Center, an international nonprofit writers' advocacy
organization based in New York, as coordinator of the Poetry and the Public
Sphere series at Rutgers, and as project manager for the electronic
archiving of HOW(ever), a historic journal of feminist experimental
writing. In 2005, she co-directed (with Bruce Burgett) the Simpson
Center's "Institute on the Public Humanities for Doctoral Students."

Bruce Burgett is Professor of American and Interdisciplinary Studies in the
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Program at the University of
Washington-Bothell (UWB), and graduate faculty in the English Department at
the University of Washington-Seattle. He co-directed the "Placing the
Humanities: New Locales, New Meanings" tri-campus faculty development
workshop series in 2004-2005, currently co-directs the follow-up activities
of the "Cultural Studies Praxis Collective," and is involved in developing
a community-based M.A. in Cultural Studies at UWB (planned to begin in
2007). He is the author of Sentimental Bodies: Sex, Gender, and
Citizenship in the Early Republic (Princeton, 1998), and is working on two
books: American Sex: Cultures of Sexual Reform in and Beyond the Antebellum
U.S. (Chicago) and Keywords of American Cultural Studies (NYU, co-edited
with Glenn Hendler). He has taught, researched, and published widely in
the fields of American Studies, Cultural Studies, and Queer Studies. He
serves on the editorial boards of American Quarterly and American Literary

Proposed Seminar:
Seminar on Biopower
The paradigm of biopower first elaborated by Michel Foucault has
gained steadily as a means for thinking simultaneously a host of
vital political and cultural issues: race and sexuality, empire and
globalization, governmentality and the state, post-humanism and eco-
politics, technoscience and human capital. The goal of this seminar
will be to compare different applications of, and problematics raised
by, the biopower analytics. Participants should re-read one of the
following texts in preparation for the seminar: Foucault's The
History of Sexuality (Volume One), Foucault's Society Must Be
Defended, Giorgio Agamben's Homo Sacer, or another major theoretical
statement. Participants will also be asked to share 2-3 page
abstracts for whatever research project brings them to the question
of biopower (if they have such a project). We will aim to move back
and forth between our theoretical readings and the research projects
with the aim of generating a deeper knowledge of what is at stake
(and also what are the risks) in bringing this model to bear on our
respective objects of critical inquiry.

Leerom Medovoi
Associate Professor of English
Portland State University

Proposed Seminar:
Beyond Biopolitics: bodies affect and media
The seminar will explore what Michel Foucault described as 'the demonic
mix' of biopolitics and sovereignty to rethink bodies, affect and media. By
weaving together theories of 'new media' and 'biomedia' that have been
deeply influenced by Gilles Deleuze among others, we will explore the
status of political economy, ideological analysis, semiotics, the concepts
of culture and language in and for critical theory. We will draw out the
relationship between digital video technologies (database, compositing,
surround sound, digital animation, and digital 'proprioception') and
entertainment (video games, TV shows, blockbuster cinema, websites). We
will take as a larger context the fraught connectivities developing between
homeland security, the encrypted security of biomedia, entertainment and
racism as exemplified in counter/terrorism, mass incarceration, war and

Amit S. Rai
Department of English
Florida State University
Williams 226
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1580
Office: 850-645-1459
Fax: 850-644-0811

Patricia Ticneto Clough
Sociology and Women's Studies
The Graduate Center
New York, New York 10016
212 817 8896

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Received on Fri Nov 11 2005 - 09:18:17 EST
