CFP: Face(s) of the Other (grad) (12/20/05; 4/6/06-4/8/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Neli Koleva
contact email: 

Call for Papers:

Rice University
Humanities Graduate Conference

Face(s) of the Other

Keynote Address by Reda Bensmaia, Brown University

April 6-8, 2006
Rice University, Houston, TX

We invite papers or panels to the first Humanities
Graduate Student conference at Rice University. The
conference topic will be "Face(s) of the Other". As a
much discussed, used, overused, and criticized term,
the Other continues to pervade a wide range of
Humanities disciplines as a critical tool and a
structuring trope. How has the Other shaped the
scholarship and the debates in various disciplines? In
what ways have scholars complicated, questioned or
reorganized the defining binaries that form around the
concept of the Other? We invite papers that will
explore the Other, Otherness, and alterity in ways
that will foster dialogue between different

Some possible ideas for papers include, but are not
limited to:

· The Other in current postcolonial studies,
globalization theory, and immigration studies.
· National and ethnic identities, the Other in
global/local contexts.
· Theories of the Other and othering: Alterité /
Differance, Said, Fanon, Lacan, Derrida etc.
· Gendered Others, Other Genders: feminist approaches
to othering, the Other in Gay and Lesbian Studies.
· Linguistic Otherness: social linguistics, linguistic
communities, border communities and languages.
· The Other in Philosophy of Religion.
· Representations of the Other in cinema and/or visual
· Pathologized Others: representations of madness,
deviation, and excess.
· Ideological Others: Communism, Nazism, Fascism
· Rejection / Acceptance discourses: imprisonment,
xenophobia, normalization, affirmative action
· The Other through time: period-specific notions of

Papers should not exceed 15 minutes. Please send
300-word proposals by email to Basak Demirhan
( or Neli Koleva
( by December 20th 2005.

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"
                                                                       -- John Lennon

Neli Koleva
2410 Shakespeare str apt #4
Houston, TX 77030
832.659.1390 (cell)

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Received on Fri Nov 11 2005 - 08:46:48 EST
