CFP: Identity Works: Order and Diversity in Literary Studies (1/16/06; 3/3/06-3/4/06)
Call For Papers:
The University of Victoria's 7th Annual English Graduate Students Conference
invites proposals for this year's conference, entitled "Identity Works: Order
and Diversity in Literary Studies," to be held at the University of Victoria
from March 3rd to 4th, 2006.
What does it mean to talk about identity in literature and literary studies?
This year's conference attempts to interrogate constructions, definitions,
categories, and fictions of identity as they are used in literary studies.
How does identity cope with order and/or diversity? How does identity imagine
notions of multiplicity? To what extent does identity rely on exclusion: can
identity be realized in a pluralistic society? We hope to stimulate a
discussion that challenges understandings of identity, and creates a space to
elaborate and explore questions of identity as they arise in literary studies
and in the world around us.
We encourage submissions that consider identity within a diverse range of
literary texts, as well as papers concerned with theoretical implications of
identity. Specifications for submission: 200-400 word proposals for twenty
minute papers, with a 50 word abstract to be included in the conference
Possible areas of inquiry include, but are not limited to:
How can discourses of identity in literature and literary studies impact on
broader social and political struggles?
In what ways are we constrained/confined by identity?
How does the language of identity interact with our notions of discrimination?
Can one distinguish ethical from unethical uses of identity?
What is the function of identity a pluralistic society?
How has "Americanization" affected Canadian identity?
Does identity presuppose unity?
How is identity formed/accumulated/acquired?
How is identity influenced by technology?
How can discourses of gender re-imagine identity?
How can minority discourses of identity challenge a hegemonic vision?
Keynote speaker Walter Benn Michaels will be delivering two papers that focus
on the integration of identity, race and class and the tensions therein. His
discussion evolves from a larger and ongoing argument developed most recently
in "Shape of the Signifier" (2004), that liberalism and conservatism are both
committed to the language of identity in the U.S. (perhaps more extensively
than elsewhere).
Please attach a separate cover letter with name, address, telephone number,
email address and affiliated institutions. Deadline for proposals is January
16, 2006. Send completed abstracts to Caley Ehnes, Conference Manager: For further information please go to our website
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Nov 11 2005 - 08:46:57 EST