CFP: Postcoloniality and Blackness (8/1/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Freeman, Patrick L
contact email: 



Callaloo seeks creative and multi-disciplinary critical submissions for a
special issue on "postcoloniality and blackness." For this issue, we are
interested in looking comparatively at the uneven postcolonial situation of
black peoples and cultures in the 21st century. We seek to explore the
diverse material and political circumstances of black postcolonials, and the
limitations of current postcolonial theorizing for the black experience.

Creative Submissions
Previously unpublished work in all genres, including interviews.

Critical Submissions
We are interested in historical, theoretical and other approaches to
particular states or cultural groups. We are also interested in a variety of
issues, such as those represented in the following:

§ Are there different cultural and epistemological bases and biases for the
production of postcolonial theory by black scholars based in Africa, the
Caribbean or other locations?
§ What does the establishment of "postcolonial"—as the prevailing term for
critical approaches to the experience of formerly colonized subjects—mean for
other modes of conceptualizing the black experience?
§ Does the "postcolonial" create an artificial separation among Blacks who
exist along a continuum of post/neo/colonial and other third and first world
experiences? Is it useful in conceptualizing, for example, Zimbabwe's
independence, the brief Ethiopian occupation, Martinique's move from colony to
département, or the political status of the British and U.S. Virgin Islands?
§ Does "postcolonial" adequately describe the contemporary condition of
multiethnic African and Caribbean nations?
§ Can Blacks in the United States, Brazil, Cuba, or South Africa be considered
§ We also seek papers that query the rubric of postcolonial theory,
specifically the assumed, implicit or unacknowledged relationships within the
discourse and those that exceed it. Areas of investigation could include the
following: Consumerism, Nationalism, Language, Class, Labor, Migration,
Globalization, Gender and Sexuality, Aesthetics, et al.

Callaloo Submission Guidelines
§ MLA Format
§ Double spaced, 12 point font in Times Roman or equivalent
§ Submissions in triplicate (two blind copies and a cover letter with author's
contact information)
§ Include an email address or self-addressed envelope (SAE) with postage
sufficient for a letter containing the journal's decision

Deadline for submissions: August 1, 2006

Callaloo/Postcoloniality and Blackness
Department of English
Texas A&M University
4227 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-4227

Please direct questions or other correspondence to the Guest Editor for this
issue, Shona N. Jackson (Department of English, Texas A & M University) at

--Managing EditorCallalooTexas A & M UniversityDepartment of EnglishCollege StationTexas 77843979-458-3316 ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Fri Nov 11 2005 - 08:46:26 EST
