CFP: State of English Studies (grad) (1/7/06; EGSA, 2/17/06-2/18/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Sarah Barber
contact email: 

Call for Papers and Panel Proposals

Cues and Clues: How Texts Construct the Life of the Mind


The English Graduate Student Association at the University of =
Missouri-Columbia invites individual papers and panel proposals for its =
14th annual conference to be held February 17th and 18th, 2006 in =
Columbia, Missouri.


The title reflects the broad theme of the conference. We invite papers =
and panels that address the role that literature and texts play in =
constructing, creating and contesting intellectual life, literary =
production, and the state of English studies. Conference participants =
are invited to attend a pedagogy workshop on Friday February 17th with =
Professors Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein-Graff. On Saturday, =
February 18th, Professor Graff will deliver the plenary "Teaching from =
the Clueless Eye View."

250 word abstracts should be submitted by January 7th to = or

EGSA Annual Conference

107 Tate Hall=20

University of Missouri-Columbia

Columbia, MO 65211-1500


Possible topics include:

State and history of Literary Studies

State and history of the university

Intellectual history, history of the intellectual

Pedagogy: literary studies, composition and rhetoric, creative writing

Composition and Rhetoric


New theoretical approaches to literary texts

The place of theory=20

Representations of authorship and textual authority

Representations of literature and writing

Literature and identity

Literature and society


Papers and panels are welcome on any of the above topics. The conference =
will also consider abstracts that propose alternative topics connected =
to the overall theme.=20


Gerald Graff is Professor of English at the University of Illinois at =
Chicago and author of Literature Against Itself: Literary Ideas in =
Modern Society (1979), Professing Literature: An Institutional History =
(1987), Beyond the Culture Wars: How Teaching the Conflicts Can =
Revitalize American Education (1992), and Clueless in Academe: How =
Schooling Obscures the Life of the Mind (2003). His current project is a =
textbook sequel and companion to Clueless in Academe, to be entitled You =
Say/I Say: The Basic Moves of Argument, co-authored with his wife, Cathy =
Birkenstein-Graff, lecturer at University of Illinois at Chicago. Their =
textbook is forthcoming from W.W. Norton.=20

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Received on Fri Nov 11 2005 - 08:46:06 EST