CFP: Versification (no deadline; journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Joseph Tate
contact email: 

_Versification: An Electronic Journal of Literary Prosody_ (ISSN 1546-0401),, is seeking submissions for its Winter
re-inaugural issue. The editors--Steven J. Willett at the University of
Shizuoka, Hamamatsu Campus and Joseph Tate at Oregon State
University--invite essays on a wide range of topics and poetries--from
classical to contemporary--that draw on diverse approaches.
_Versification_ has published essays and reviews and hosted papers by
important scholars in the field including Derek Attridge, Terry V. F.
Brogan, Richard Cureton, Annie Finch, H. T. Kirby-Smith and Reuven Tsur. The
journal's web site provides an interdisciplinary forum where scholars,
students, critics, writers and artists from many different fields can
explore the role that sound plays in poetry.
The journal also provides a number of services, including:
- an eclectic, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed electronic journal devoted
to questions of literary prosody and its related fields
-full-length reviews and discussions of recent books, conferences, and
contemporary issues of interest
- an informal colloquium in which subscribers can comment on, ask questions
about, and discuss issues in the field
- a searchable critical bibliography, based on T. V. F. Brogan's
_Versification: 1570-1980_, which contains the largest available database on
literary and linguistic prosody available in the world
- announcements of conferences
- links to relevant electronic sites and discussions groups, including the
new Versification special interest mailing list
Send submissions by email as attachments (.doc or .rtf) to Joseph Tate at or mail submission by disk (.doc or .rtf) to
Joseph Tate, Co-Editor
Oregon State University
Department of English
Moreland 348
Corvallis, OR 97331
Please note: Although Versification is primarily an English-language
journal, it will accept submissions in French, German, Italian and Spanish.
Those wishing to submit in those languages, however, must provide an English
abstract and keywords.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Nov 11 2005 - 08:46:35 EST