CFP: M/C Journal: 'transmit', and other issues for 2006 (1/16/06 and others; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
M/C - Media and Culture
contact email: 


                          M/C - Media and Culture
          is calling for contributors to the 'transmit' issue of

                                M/C Journal

M/C Journal is looking for new contributors. M/C is a crossover journal
between the popular and the academic, and a blind- and peer-reviewed

To see what M/C Journal is all about, check out our Website, which contains
all the issues released so far, at <>.
To find out how and in what format to contribute your work, visit

                        Call for Papers: 'transmit'
           Edited by Hendrik Huijser and Brooke Collins-Gearing

In an increasingly globalised and networked world, to transmit is to exist.
In a sense this has always been the case as transmitting is at the heart of
human communication and works on many different levels, including
information, knowledge, culture, language, and media. What has changed then
is not so much the action of transmitting itself, but rather the speed of
transmission, facilitated by increasingly sophisticated transmission tools
and widening access to those tools. This in turn has major implications for
the volume of transmissions and the ability or inability to process them.
In this context of content overload and fierce competition for attention,
to transmit effectively becomes vital, whether on a professional, personal,
community or global level.

This issue of M/C Journal invites reflections on 'transmit' from all
potential angles relating to media and culture, including its potential and
its limitations. This could include analyses of the tools of transmission,
the content of transmission, including the transfer of information,
knowledge, culture, language and all forms and genres of media, or a
creative combination thereof. Send 1000-1500 word articles to

For more information:

Article deadline: 16 January 2006
Issue release date: 15 March 2006

M/C Journal was founded (as "M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture") in 1998
as a place of public intellectualism analysing and critiquing the meeting
of media and culture. Contributors are directed to past issues of M/C
Journal for examples of style and content, and to the submissions page for
comprehensive article submission guidelines. M/C Journal articles are blind


Further M/C Journal issues scheduled for 2006:

'collaborate': article deadline 6 March 2006, release date 3 May 2006
'street': article deadline 1 May 2006, release date 28 June 2006
'free': article deadline 26 June 2006, release date 23 August 2006
'filth': article deadline 21 August 2006, release date 18 October 2006
'jam': article deadline 16 October 2006, release date 13 December 2006

M/C - Media and Culture is located at <>.
M/C Journal is online at <>.
All past issues of M/C Journal on various topics are available there.


                                                     Dr Axel Bruns

-- General Editor M/C - Media and Culture ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Wed Nov 16 2005 - 10:41:42 EST
